Living Fully

Living Fully

Few ASL interpreting practice videos are as well-known as Living Fully. A lecture produced by Jenna Cassell; Lou Fant, Anna Witter-Merithew, and Jan Humphrey provide comparative interpretations and transliterations.

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Living Fully
  • INT-LF

    Learn from three of the best mentors available!

    Interpreting: “Living Fully”

    Learn to live life to its fullest...while gaining skills in interpreting! Inspirational spoken lecture by Jenna Cassell promotes personal growth, interpreting skills and invites comparison of master int...

  • TR-LF

    Learn ways to overcome your fears with this inspiring talk, prepare for the NIC, and/ or earn CEUs while working on your transliterating. Compare the transliterating work by Lou, Anna and Jan to your own. Incorporate the best of their remarkable skills. Get both DVDs to compare their interpreting...